Saturday 16 January 2010

judder nought

I have finally gotten round to the un-get-round-able. The main purpose of this blog is to facilitate my posthumous fame, so that people will be able to adore me more easily. Put more simply, it's a window for my versicals. I haven't put a huge deal of thought into the order of posting of the poems, and am plumping for this one, based loosely on Sean's appraisal of it as "visceral". It's inspiration, no, I'm not ashamed to say it, is an episode of the greatest series ever made, West Wing. Specifically, Episode I of Season II, possibly one of my favouritest episodes. No wait, my favourite is... Oh never mind.

Uniting Bullet

Out of one miniscule moment, one chambered capsule,
a upsetter launched, tiny, potent, exploding sound
from atop a tall glass housing: chamber within chamber.

The shot sped forth and grabbed time by the scruff,
imploding all matter into its jet stream, air becoming
water-like, a membranal tunnel lashing downwards.

Thus the action triggered within said capsule, the verb
was born and vaulted towards a target, vibrating around,
re-verb, ripple effect, correlating that first spark.

Ignition, bolting charge, through night sky and fire,
the criminally distorted moment and ground chaos
the tunnel of charge barrelling, zeroed in on earth's crust.

The viral spark conducted by human forms, rendered;
fear upsurging as converging frequencies are, necessarily,
physically, balanced and seismically adjusted, atmospere to lung.

From the gun cylinder to the bronchial cavity, a line, a vein
was drawn and the two compartments united in flatlining fear
the ripple conducting through all, crust to legs to inner organ.

The molecules, upon rearranging to the rung-out shot, made air
viscous, a corridor of fibrous matter, corresponding the eventual
yet simultaneous primary muscle, stripping away the protection.

Amid the cacophonous chaos nature has a channelling plan:
limbs become rods, conveying the lightning change, vocal chords for
the imploding context, the organic penetration: mere bystanders.

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